Friday, February 26, 2016

Friday Meditations

(Notice: Upon re-reading these musings, this externalized internal dialogue, this blather, I admit that it is somewhat obvious that I am neither compassionate nor considerate. Sorry. I’ll try to do better. Trust me.)

If your Facebook profile picture is of an animal or a celebrity or has your husband/wife hugged up next to you, you are codependent, psychotic or narcissistic and probably irrelevant. Put your fucking picture there. Come on, you’ve go a photo around someplace. Slap it on your page. Fat? Nope. Old? Bite me. Pimples? Not enough. No one cares what the hell you look like and none of us are terribly important. Ugly or lovely, I just want to know who the hell I’m dealing with. I promise not to say anything.

Why are there so many amputees on my newsfeed this morning? Lots of “look how brave she is” and a video of a woman doing gymnastics but she’s only got ONE LEG. Amazing. A guy in a wheel chair on a trampoline. Blown up vets who have an indomitable spirit. One armed people who can juggle. Tattooed torsos. Fuck that. I have nothing against the disabled or differently-abled. Don’t even think about them; they can do what they want. Amputees are just like the rest of us except they have fewer arms and legs. Seems like everyday there are more limbless people in the world though, doesn’t it?

Scold me for my political beliefs? Sure; go ahead. I’m for Bernie, you’re for Hillary, some other genius is for Trump or Cruz. I’m so bummed out from being told that I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about and I’m wrong, wrong, wrong, because I don’t have similar beliefs as the scolders. Lick me, scolders. You don’t have to comment on every motherfucking post. You’re not that smart. Seriously, you’re not. And sanctimonious progressives are as irritating as the Tea Party toilets.

If you’ve got a shitload of money, no worries, two houses, several vehicles, buy what you want when you want it, no debt, plenty of food, gas, clothing, technology and comfort then you don’t have as much of a vote in my world as people who don’t have that stuff. If you earned it, OK, as long as you remember what it was like before you had plenty of dough. But if you married it, inherited it, stole it, I am not giving you the same credibility as I do those who work, raise kids, struggle, shop for sales, postpone purchases until they have enough saved up, are ill, old, disabled (see above), poor, depressed (understandable), marginalized and overwhelmed by the obvious corruption (look around). If you think our way of life and our political, financial, educational and healthcare systems just need a little fine-tuning by the right people, by The President, congress, you are a boob in Fantasyland and I am not listening. Delete.

Do you bring your own bags to the grocery store? Do you separate your garbage, and refill your water bottle and have a compost pile? Great! Damn, that’s wonderful. Except it is not going to do any good. Planet Earth? Done. Over. Nothing is changing fast enough. If you have a few kids, you’re part of the problem. If you have a load of kids, you are criminally responsible. Deny it all you want but if you are a parent you shouldn’t reprimand anyone for not recycling. It’s not about conservation unless it’s primarily about limited population growth (which we’ve known for centuries). Because unless there is a worldwide agreement to change everything right away, this year, this month, not a goddamn thing will alter and the world will end sooner than you can imagine. Sure, argue with me, go ahead, deny the math, the science, but really, honest, nothing except universal drastic measures will help. Complete commitment by everyone. And stop super-celebrating or politicizing birth. Get a grip.

Shouldn’t we teach kids about death, divorce and finance in grammar school? Start in the second grade, an hour a day? You can learn to multiply and divide and read and write in about four months but people are falling apart over the death of a dog or a grandmother, they are killing themselves and others when they break up with their boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, and young people are deeply into credit card debt because they can’t resist buying shit they do not need. Teach children about suffering and heartbreak and financial responsibility. Save some lives, save some money.

Another thing, relative to a few responses I’ve received: if you think I’m angry, then you’ve never been around angry people. Do you know someone who has chopped a piano into pieces with an axe because his kid didn’t practice? I do. Have you ever sat at Thanksgiving dinner and seen your aunt smash a plate of turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce over her husband’s head? I have. When was the last time someone berated you until you thought they’d break a blood vessel? Me: A month ago. I confess to being opinionated, intolerant of dishonesty and judgmental. And you’re not? Bullshit. If you think I’m angry, you don’t know anger.

Have a great weekend.

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