Friday, November 6, 2015

The Not-So-Good Cop

This story about the dirty cop who faked his own suicide in Illinois is getting more and more interesting. Among all of his other crimes, he’s now being exposed as a drunk, a misogynist, and a seriously ragged piece of crap. And the other cops on the force knew it. You know, the cops who haven’t been caught. They knew he was a trashbag for 15 years; they had complained to the chief.  The standard line is, “Most cops are good guys and only a few give the rest a bad name.” I hear that whenever an ugly story emerges of cops shooting unarmed people, punching out the mentally ill, racists, full of hatred, angry, stupid, killing innocent citizens, shaking down, embezzling, threatening, breaking the law and walking away clean until some kid with a cellphone video exposes them.
I hear how these are really Good Guys who put their Lives on the Line Every Day and They are Heroes and Where Would We Be Without Them?
That’s the spew that spills every time one of these much-too-common stories surfaces. Sure as shit. Except that this asshole, police Lt. Joe Gliniewicz, was touted as one of those terrific, community oriented, help-the-kids, volunteer, GI Joe, local personality, honest, upstanding Good Guys until a few days ago when everything comes tumbling down and he is exposed as a thief, a cheat, a potential murderer, liar and Christ knows what else. It’s under investigation. So he killed himself.
Makes me wonder: Is he really an anomaly, a rarity, or is he typical of the team? Is he ready to do anything to get ahead, to control a little more power and money with no, none, training in ethics and morality and justice? Another selfish sociopath in a uniform? When I see a cop on the street, in his car, slumped over his cellphone, I wonder if he’s planning some scam, hustle or some creepy stalking. I’ve felt that way for a long time. Decades.
Nope, no more trust. Gone. My sense of confidence in these poorly prepared, badly educated, immoral, dangerous mindfucks has vaporized. I am nervous, always, around cops. I thought I was paranoid and guilty and defensive. Turns out I’m prescient and highly conscious.
And if there are really good cops out there, in the community, protecting, serving, coaching the kiddies and helping old ladies across the street, they better sure as shit stand up pretty frigging soon and say something, loud, act different, begin changing their culture from within, behave like men instead of pussies who back up the felons, idiots, psychos, criminals, thugs and bullies that are destroying law enforcement, annihilating justice and shredding communities with their unforgiveable shitty behavior.
Call me Mr. Silver Lining because I guess I should point out that at least this moron only topped himself and didn’t take along any innocent people. You absolutely KNOW that was in the mix.

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