I put up the picture of a red hat with the logo “Make
America Smart Again” on Facebook yesterday as a joke, but I may have been articulating
a repressed hope, a long lost sense of optimism. Optimism is probably a
delusion. The picture is a meme. It's Facebook. Jesus.
I am by far not a tub-thumping patriot. I'm burned out and
disappointed. I still have a fairly good memory and it seems to me that a lot
of people have forgotten, or are too young to remember, that there was a time,
distant past, when college was pretty cheap and functional. You could actually
go to school, learn stuff and graduate without lifelong debt. Higher education
wasn't about cultural misappropriation, safe spaces and microaggression. I found that it was
about life and how to experience it in an intelligent, satisfying way.
There was good literature and great film. Really. Don’t believe me? Google it
for Christ’s sake. Sure, there was racism and sexism and violence, that shit is
everywhere. Things may be getting better but I’m no romantic.
When my “friends” saw the post, the picture of the stupid
hat, right away a lot people were triggered and started with their knee-jerk
responses. “We’re worse than Africa”. Seriously, I saw that one. “It’ll take
thousands of years”. Nice over-stretch. “It’ll take more than a hat”. Honestly, is
that the best you can do?
Man, many Sanders people (so far, my people) act like it’s a
crusade and they’re the first ever to be disappointed; the Clinton supporters appear
arrogant, smug and affluent and Trump’s people are scared to death due to
reduced educational prospects (or none at all), lack of opportunities, income
inequality and bad decisions by the whores in congress. And, yes, racism.
For all the people who think America is a 100 percent
totally ignorant nation, backward and primitive: Try some traveling; leave your
zip code; talk to those who believe differently than you do, without being an
Also, nice way to self-negate and marginalize yourself.
I get it. Everyone thinks everybody else is not as smart as
they are. I’ve been around long enough to know what I don’t know. It’s both
comforting and frustrating. Of course, I may be wrong. Again. What do I know?
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