Friday, December 4, 2015

Respectfully, Talk is Cheap

Yep, they were Muslims who had become radicalized. I don’t like or respect Muslims any more than I do Christians, but these were Muslims. Of course, they were not representative of all Muslims; we have to say that because it’s probably true and we have to say it. Certainly, any religion can be a precursor to intense violence, but the real crazies (not just those needy sad people who want to be saved, rescued, win the lotto, but the real nutcases) are a problem in every religion. Right? I mean, if you read the news, there are some dangerous disciples out there.
And, yes, it’s real, absolutely, I’ve seen it, the “good” Christians and Muslims are denouncing the assholes. Denouncing the hell outta them. As they should. Thank you for that. Seriously. Grateful that you are taking a stand against madness and murder.
Lots of news footage of moderate Muslims filmed in front of mosques condemning the outrage in San Bernardino. Good for them. But I don’t totally trust their sincerity, any more than I trust the sincerity of the devout Christians who criticize the recent killings in and around Planned Parenthood. I can’t truly trust anyone who endorses magic and fantasy, God, prayer, worship, heaven, hell, life everlasting, the whole damn creed in all of its twisted mutations.
Talk is cheap. It’s air. Gas. Spiritual talk is the cheapest. What can we do? What can the moderate Muslim and the progressive Christian do to slow the carnage?
Personally, I’d like to see the faithful start weeding from within. Instead of simply proclaiming outrage, speak up when one of your comrades starts talking shit. If one of the brothers/sisters in Christ or Allah is preaching violence or spewing angry tirades against another person, place or thing, turn them the hell in. Fuck ‘em, they don't deserve your allegiance.
There are some really fruitcake Christians. Anyone who thinks the Planned Parenthood shooting is a good thing because God? Report their asses. I’d dig seeing Christians pull the rug out from under their heavily armed, pissed off, brain-damaged co-worshipers. If the Knights of Columbus begin buying up a shitload of guns and ammo and show up at mass in camos and flak vests, for Christ’s sake drop a dime. It would go a long way towards rapprochement if Muslims who are still sentient would roll over on the radical, violent dogbrains who may be living among them. Is that honorable? Is it fair? Some would say it isn’t, but why should I care?
If you talk you should act. If you are against the radicalization and screwball shit that goes on in your god’s name, don’t wait until the neighbors nut up and start blowing up a nightclub, a restaurant, a medical clinic, or a roomful of kindergartners.
Yes, I know, sorry, of course, this whole idea could cause a lot of innocent people to be inconvenienced. It could spin out of control. Report your parents for not being nice to you. Turn in your ex-wife to be questioned, interviewed. But the news media is late to the party, and the FBI, ATF, Homeland are confused and baffled. This is a grass roots thing. If we wait for the government, journalists, cops or God to fix this insanity, we are going to read a lot more horrible headlines. Ask questions, inquire, push someone’s buttons, write a letter, do something besides moan about how you disapprove of violence.
Prove it.
One more thing. Arming yourself to the teeth isn't going to help. Really. It's not the movies, it's not Die Hard or 24. You're not that tough. That's another fantasy. You'll just hurt yourself.