Friday, April 26, 2013

The Big Questions

Where did I come from
Where am I going
Why am I blah, blah, blah?

Is there meaning to life,
Where were we before we were borne?
How long should I wait for someone who is late?
Is there a God in heaven?
Is heaven on earth or in my mind?
Aren’t there too many styles of shoes?

Why do we dream and
What do they mean and
Do I talk in my sleep?
What is mucous?
Why would a bird walk anywhere?
Quick, would you rather be rich or invisible?

Is the beginning of the end
The end of the beginning
Or just the last episode of the first season?
Sleeping is a little death
And if death is eternal sleep
Why do I wake up on the floor?

What is the soul and does
It plug a hole or is it just a way
To make excuses for overeating?
How does metabolism engage
With the endocrine system
to create anxiety and low self esteem?

What’s the difference between right and wrong
And should we be punished for
Lying about sex?
Ask the universe a question.
Why does The universe always answer,
"Shut up. How should I know?”

In a past life, in a different incarnation,
In another body, haven't we all been
Civil servants who are allergic to shellfish?

Angels, ghosts, specters
Immortal essence, eternal spirit, 
And Baboons. Always, baboons.

Where did you come from
Where are you going
Why are you blah, blah, blah?

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