Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Real Secret

I just figured out the secret to ending all conflict and reducing stress. This one’s for free.
Maintain a neutral demeanor and agree with everyone. It’s that easy.
A guy confronted me about a week ago and took exception with something I’d said. It happens. Big, tall guy, kind of demented. No threat, but he loomed over me, barking and moaning and told me why I was wrong, called me names and did everything but foam at the mouth and wet himself.
I stared into his bulging eyes and said, “OK,” and then stayed silent.
I think it pissed him off. Haha.
When someone is intent on convincing you that Chemtrails cause athlete’s foot, just say, “OK.”
You don’t have to tell them you think they have the brains of a toilet brush. Like they are going to change their minds. Nope. Don’t make me laugh. That would require critical thinking and math.
When one of the many floating experts tells me, “Trump is a liar,” or “Clinton is a criminal”, “vaccines cause autism”, “Elvis is alive”, or “Aliens made 9/11 happen,” I nod my head and say, “Hmm. OK,” and walk away. By my tone of voice, my attitude and posture, I can communicate spite and boredom, but I fake-agree by simply saying, “OK.”
They can push it, but all they’re getting from me is, “OK.”
I kind of miss a good fight, but so far this is working and as I said, it can really piss off the lames.
They’ll know that they didn’t convince me of anything. I still believe that they’re silly little fuckers. I’ll have a decent day, take a walk, make lunch, maybe have a nap. Later, when I hear of my antagonist's heart attack, suicide, drunken car crash, I can nod my head, smile and say to myself, “OK.”
So frigging easy. And free.