Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Gun Violence: Get Real

Here’s the common post on today’s social media, news organizations, and tweets:

“How many more people have to die of senseless gun violence for this country to enact commonsense gun reform?”

The answer? Lots. Way lots more. Hundreds of thousands. Where the hell do you think we live? France? Japan? We live in America where bacon is considered a dietary staple, where the old testament god is worshiped and we love our death penalty, where ignorant dogbrains interpret the constitution so that it suits their own uneducated, heavily armed agendas and where all you have to do to become monstrously wealthy is to have a big ass. Do you think we live in a magical place where politicians and representatives aren’t human toilets? Some mythical island where women are treated equally and with respect by everyone, including fratboys, rap and rock stars? An alternate universe where human life is valuable and everyone has the same rights regardless of race, sex, sexual preference, wealth? Please. Get a clue. This is what we own. It’s fucked up, but we still have Netflix, Google and our fine-assed new phones. Moms Demand Action, Stop the NRA, Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. Those organizations really exist. Which of them am I supporting? Uhm…. none. At least no one’s killed a lion this week. If I sound discouraged, I am.

Addendum: An hour later: Jesus Christ, I just sent a small donation to one of the above groups because I can’t stand myself when I blather away without doing anything. I don’t care about the upcoming shitshow that will be the second half of the 21st century because I’ll be gone, but I’d like to reduce and assuage my guilt while I’m still here. I know: Lame.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Life Coaching - Part 3 (Chapter 2)

I don’t see  as well at night as I used to. Bummer. My (many) old injuries are lighting up several times a week. I take pills for dumb stuff like pain, blood pressure, cholesterol, thyroid. I feel pretty good (seriously), I'm still in the game, but every once in a while some aging, raging busybody who is facing another hard-earned birthday shouts out, “But sixty is the new forty, sixty is the new forty. And seventy is the new fifty and…”. Please. Shut up.
It may be true that sixty is the new forty unless:

We’ve ever smoked cigarettes  (guilty) or
Used illegal drugs for a significant period of our history (guilty)
If we currently now or ever have drink, drank, drunk to excess (guilty)
Have Hep C or STDs from stupid life choices when we were twenty, (...)
If we
Breathe the shitty air in most cities (yep) and
Drink chem-laced water (probably) and
Have had lots and lots of x-rays (dentist) or
Eat foods loaded with preservatives and additives (I guess), if we
Are overweight (goddamnit) and depressed sometimes (like the rest of us) or
Are angry (at the government, your ex, other drivers) or misguidedly
Trust that god, prayer and good works will keep anyone healthy/alive (nope), if
We read the news or
Watch more than two hours of TV every day, (sometimes) and
Are worried about not getting enough (or too much) sleep, (yeah, I admit)
Or we are anxious about global warming, cancer and trouble in the Mideast (sure).

And mainly, if I think that because I'm Me and I'm still amazing (or ever have been)  even though I'm getting older, that life is full of possibilities and I can do whatever I want and I can live like I did when I was forty and old people matter and I'm relevant and as vital as ever and I'm  an “active senior” (or have ever used the words “active” or “senior” in reference to myself), or if I think I'm  still desirable to people under forty (male or female) or if I have cataracts, vertigo, joint pain, headaches, thinning hair?
Then sixty is not the new forty.
It’s the new eighty.
Sorry, tough shit, but most of us (old) only have another ten, twenty, slim-chance thirty, max-crazy forty years. Only .0173% of us will live to be 100. Ha. So, nope, sixty is not the new fucking forty. You are _____ years of age. Are you currently alive? (I’ll wait while you check). Isn’t that enough? I for one am going to face reality and have fun and stop bitching and moaning and fantasizing about age, life, health and longevity.
And take it easy driving for Chrissakes. You’re pissing me off.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Life Coaching - Part 3

In my career as one of America’s most influential and respected Life Coaches I get messages every day from clients and friends, seekers and strivers, urging:

Live for today, forget about the past
Be here now, live life in the moment
You only live once
Today is the first day of the rest of your life
Live today as if you’ll die tomorrow
Life is precious and each moment is a blessing

I take offense because these “writers” know perfectly well where I am when I read this sage advice, this helpful encouragement to live fully, create, do things and go into the world and experience nature and love everyone so that I have no regrets. They know goddamn well that I’m seeing it on the frigging Internet, sitting in front of my computer where I spend hours every day. They are trying to make me feel guilty. Bastards.

Here are some of my own AFFIRMATIONS for a happy life:

Cancel your next appointment and stay home
Read a book and don’t answer the phone
Check out the news, read the comments
Watch a little pornography
Have a sandwich, take a nap
You only have one life to waste; waste it well
Guilt is for suckers

You are welcome.
J. De Patta, SCLC (Self Certified Life Coach)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Last Haircut

I got my Last Haircut today. I usually imagine I’ll die within the next two to four months (the average between haircuts). Eventually I’ll be right. The last (fill in the blank) is coming up for everyone. Perhaps my fantasizing that this will be my last haircut is a way to trick the universe, realign my genes, fool the impossible powers, the mystic cesspit from which all life arises, the hamster wheel, the magical unicorn that controls the world? Fool myself? I do this with everything. A way to batter my anxiety into chilling out and giving me another cycle. If I keep saying, “This is my last haircut, breakfast, sexual interlude (wink), argument, bowl of ice cream, bath, vacation, pointless phone conversation with my insurance company, dentist appointment,” it feels like I am poking my finger in Death’s eye. When I say, “I will die today,” and if I don’t die, I feel pretty cocky.
So, today was my last haircut. Until October.
R, the artist, the beauty, who cuts my hair, has a new puppy and she brought it to work. Cute, miniature dachshund or schnauzer, black, bubbly, sniffing and tripping. She also has three kids (3).
I asked her, “What the fuck did you get a dog for? Aren’t having three kids who take up all of your non-haircutting time enough?”
I don’t have kids. Thank Christ. I travel and relax and don’t have to take any late night phone calls from some needy thirty or forty year old who wants money or comfort or a place to stay. I don’t buy presents for grandkids or babysit or worry about when the children and grandchildren are going to need rehab or surgery or driver’s licenses. Nope. I’m out of that game, free and clear; it’s all about me, self-determination and serenity.
I also do not have a dog. Can’t imagine. Feeding, walking, cleaning up. Grooming and training and veterinarians. Wow. I get itchy just thinking about it. Sounds like hell. I’ve heard all about the Unconditional Love, but I don’t really need Unconditional Love. I’m fine, thanks. In fact, I wonder about people who need Unconditional Love. Something missing there? Need a little worship or devotion, do you? Something to lick your hand, divert your attention from your scary thoughts, give you a purpose when you get home from work? Good luck. Dogs die and kids move and all that’s left is the refrigerator and the mirror. Eat your veggies.
R was about three minutes late for our appointment, no problem, but she explained how everyone woke up late and she was running around, feeding her children (3), dressing them, trying to get them out the door because she had to drive them across town to her sister’s place so her sister could entertain them all day while R cut hair and made money to pay for school books and clothing and gymnastic lessons and guitar lessons and riding lessons and swimming lessons, every kind of lesson and pastime, to which she also had to drive them.
“How the fuck,” I asked, “can someone who does all that, who does it well, who doesn’t seem insane, has a mild temperament and who cuts good hair, who looks great and is fashionable and clean, how can someone who does all of that STILL want to own a goddamn dog? I mean, holy shit.”
“The kids love the dog and it’s not a problem.”
Oh yes it is. It’s a problem. At least, it looks like a problem to me. Too many living creatures under one roof, demanding, barking, crying, eating, talking, needing, sleeping, waking.
Then I thought: It’s a slippery slope and I suppose once you allow yourself to care for others, to give life and time and comfort, and you actually have that gene where you want to have kids, breed, nurse and love and nurture, why not get a dog? What the hell, you’re already tied up with all those kids. Get a pet. Get a few. One for each kid. Who needs sleep?
As we were winding down our haircut, R asked, in professional barber-like fashion, “So, what do you have planned for the rest of the day?”
“What are you going to do today? Do you have plans?”
“I got a haircut. That’s what I’m doing today.”
“Oh, I thought you might have something else going on.”
Getting nervous.
“Uh, no, haircut, that’s enough. I’ll probably do some reading. I like to read.”
I like to read. What a fucking slacking, reclusive, isolating selfish dick. I like to read. I didn’t have the balls to ask R what she was going to do for the rest of the day. I mean, the rest of the day after she works eight hours cutting, coloring, highlighting, trimming, tidying up people and talking to them about their lives and their kids. I couldn’t stand to hear how much more she was planning. What her children (3) needed, where they had to go, what to do, cooking, eating, reading bedtime stories. Plus she has a boyfriend, which is another whole frigging planet.
I couldn’t follow the thought, “What are your plans for the rest of the day?” I was lost and embarrassed.
I read, I write, I shower and shave and shop and cook. I watch videos and talk to one or two people on the phone a few times a week. I make my bed, do the dishes, read the news, worry, workout, plan trips, shop online. It’s wonderful. I like my life; childless, petless.
What am I planning for the rest of the day? What am I PLANNING?
Holy shit, how much more do they have to squeeze out of me? How much more do you want from me, universe? You know what, universe? Fuck you. I got a haircut.
Besides, this is my last haircut and I need to catch up on some reading.