that time of year again. The Trifecta of Stupidity.
big piles.
which used to be a kid’s holiday of funny costumes and candy, has been stolen
by narcissistic adults who have sexualized and monetized it.
kinds of stuff is for sale: cardboard jack-o-lanterns, giant bags of Snickers,
Halloween specials at Wal-Mart. Sleazy bars, Jean’s, Pier 23, The Gold Clown,
where I used to be able to dodge the costumed kids and get wasted, are now
sponsoring bullshit costume contests where a lot of lonely guys come dressed as
gangsters and pimps, and marginally intelligent women get their hooker on. Nice.
Don’t scare the children.
I heard someone in the Dentist’s office, as she was leaving, her lip numb and
her mouth stuffed with cotton, say to the receptionist, “Have a happy
this a thing? I can’t get far enough away from holidays, and now they are
legitimizing Halloween? Soon, I guess, they’ll be closing down the government
for Halloween. Sorry, you can’t pay your ticket or meet with your public
defender or file a building permit. It’s Halloween! Will we have to give
presents? Fuck that.
you’ve been gorging on candy and alcohol and dreaming about sexy costumes and
parties and watching horror films and celebrating the Day of the Dead and All
Souls Day and All Saints Day and filling your head with every possible kind of
reality-distorting fantasy that the next thing they do is change the lighting.
Yep; you wake up confused, distracted and unstable. Everyone is late, they are
jet-lagged and yawning and the sun isn’t coming up at the right time. You feel
as if you’re in the wrong place every day. It starts to get dark around 3:00 p.m.
and you’re hungry all the time. A destabilized population, hungover and tired.
perfect time for the final Big Lie.
perfect time to slip in... Election Day. God Bless America crashing from sugar
and booze, washing off its makeup, tries to wipe the crusty buildup from its
eyes and, hurry up, it's time to vote. America has been shown Who’s The
Boss. Our government. The venal, degenerate, unprincipled men and women we vote
for. We have experienced their authority, their supremacy; with their mandated
power, they can change the time the sunrises for Christ’s sake; they have
fucked up our circadian rhythms. All-powerful liars, grabbing with both hands
and failing over and over, cycle after cycle. What more can be said? Better
people have commented on this waste of time. We are completely
irrelevant, overlooked and disregarded until Election Day rolls around. Now,
nightly come the robo-calls from local dipshits asking for the vote because
they are going to (fill in the blank). Nah, no they’re not. They are going to
be slurping at the trough and stuffing their pockets for as long as we let
them. And don’t scold me. Do what you want, feel good about yourself, but don’t
you dare berate me for not…being you, I suppose. I know, I know. All that crap
about civic duty, constitution, can’t-complain-if-you-don’t-vote, our rights,
patriotism, America fuck yeah. So go, do it, stand in line, chat with your
fellow citizens, shit on the liberals or the conservatives. Do it. You’ll think you're
better than me. And you probably are.
can’t even get into the perfect timing of the World Series. Go Giants.